What do we do? * Provide one on one specialised support to people with disabilites to access and be included in sporting and recreation activites of their choice. * Assist in developing a personal recreation plan. * Assist in achieving personal recreation goals. * Assist in obtaining information through the developed leisure library. * Who is able to use the service?
# Adults aged between 18-65 with a disability, who have medium to high support needs. The disability may be any type including one or more: * physical * sensory * intellectual * neurological ie aquired brain injury * psychiatric and others # And who are living in one of the Lower North Shore Local Government Areas of North Sydney, Lane Cove, Mosman or Willoughby. # As well as, living in own home either with their family, a carer or independently. # And most of all, have a desire to achieve interdependency in a recreation activity.
* Recreation Rendezvous Inc. also run a variety of other one off activities such as drama group, cooking classes, fitness courses.... etc. Please see our News and Events pages for upcoming courses!